Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Eggs, eggs & more eggs

So right now we have about 2.5 dozen in the fridge.  I think it's time for some omlets - maybe dinner tonight.  YUM. 

Anyway, last night we had a journalist from the Eldersburg Advocate over, she is writing a story on Urban Gardening and wanted to include some info about our Chickens and the push for an ordinance change.  Was good talking to her, especially because it sounds like she's done a lot of research on the subject!  If the town commissioners would do the same.... maybe they'd be more accepting of this topic. 

Over the next 12 days I am going to try to get out into Sykesville and talk to residents, and ask them to sign my petition.  Unfortunately with Back to School nights & everything else that goes on in a household w/ 3 children I don't know when that will happen!! 

Next Planning Commission Meeting: Monday October 4th.  If you are a resident please come out to voice your comments and opinions on this subject.  The commision is looking for feedback from the community!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Why Chickens?

As most things do, it all started out with one main reason.  Fresh eggs.  Oh how I love the fresh eggs.  They are so yummy.  They will also be less expensive than the eggs from the Farmer's Market in about a year's time once the cost of the coop and supplies evens out with the money we would have spent on the eggs (organic & free range).  They all vary in size and color (hues of tan and brown, some with freckles).  They are also from my backyard which gives them that much more value. 

The chickens themselves are very cool little ladies.  I never realized how much fun they are to hang out with until I got them.  I know there are many different opinons out there on what chickens mean to people.  Those who grew up on farms say they could never view a chicken as a pet, and that is understandable.  But for me, a suburban girl who grew up on a half acre lot and only knew some other kids with farms, my chickens are my pets.  And they reciprocate the care I give them by providing me with fresh, nutritious eggs.

But that's not all they do.  In fact - they do a whole lot more than that.  In the research I've been doing in order to come up with a case for legalizing chickens, I have found so much great PR for chickens.  It's a shame they get such a bad rap.  I guess for those who have had negative experiences with them, there is a reason.  But don't blame the chickens.  Blame their owners.  Because a well cared for small and properly maintained chicken coop won't cause a nuisance to anyone - in fact it does the opposite.  I find that it brings joy to my family, and to a lot of our neighbors who have commented on how neat it is to see chickens in the yard next door.

The comments  and concerns of the Sykesville Council and Planning Commission are valid.  'Of course you (me) may do a good job.  But what about that one person who will do it the wrong way - and there WILL be that person.  Or the neighbor who does not want to see or deal with Chickens in their neighbors yard.'  Well, I understand that not everyone takes care of their responsibilities.  And that is why rules and regulations are created.  That's why there is a town council and a planning commission and animal control and a police department - and the list goes on and on ... and on.  But if we made all of our decisions based on what a very small fraction of the population is going to do then we wouldn't be allowed to do just about anything. 

There are ways to appease most concerns around this issue.  I suggest neighbors are notified when someone submits for a chicken keeping permit.  If a neighbor complains does that mean they don't get the permit?  Not necessarily.  Does it mean that a negotiation can be discussed?  Sure.  Locate the coop as far as possible from the neighbors house within a reasonable distance and plant some shrubs so it cannot be seen and the chickens are less likely to be heard.  Chickens, by the way, are very quiet animals.  And, they sleep all night without a 'peep'.

Ok, this post is going on forever.  And I need to get back to work.  More later.


I'm excited to finally journey into the land of blogging.  My motivation is to spread the word on my efforts to legalize backyard hens in Sykesville, Md where I live.  I've recently spoken at some town council and planning commission meetings, and am working on supplying the town with information on other cities that have enacted similar ordinances to the one I am hoping they will propose and pass.  Stay tuned, more to come...